Law enforcement
FY23 Georgia SJS Program
FY 2023 Ohio SJS Program
FY23 Maryland SJS Program
FY23 Iowa SJS Program
FY 2023 Oklahoma SJS Program
FY 2023 Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories
FY23 Idaho SJS Program
FY22 National NIBRS Estimation Project (NNEP).
Census of Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies (CTLEA)
Provides data on all tribal law enforcement agencies operating in the United States, including tribally operated agencies, Bureau of Indian Affairs police, and the Alaska Village Public Safety Officers program. Data collected include the number of agencies, full-time sworn personnel, annual calls for services and arrests, jurisdiction, and functions or duties performed by each agency.
FY 2023 California Law Enforcement Transition to NIBRS—Rapid Deployment Model Project
FY 2023 National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) Estimation Project (EP)
FY23 Alabama NCHIP Supplemental Funding
FY 2023 Texas NCHIP Supplemental Funding
FY 2023 Indiana Supreme Court NCHIP Supplemental Funding
FY 2023 Wyoming NCHIP Supplemental Funding
FY 2023 Florida NCHIP Supplemental Funding
FY 2023 Pennsylvania NCHIP Supplemental Funding
FY2023 Virginia NCHIP Supplemental Funding
FY 2023 Law Enforcement Transition to the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) to Improve Hate Crime Reporting
FY 2023 National Corrections Reporting Program/National Prisoner Statistics Program, 2020-2024
Survey of Law Enforcement Personnel in Schools (SLEPS)
Provides information on the number and characteristics of law enforcement personnel that work in public K-12 schools. Data collected include the number of sworn school resource officers (SROs), demographics of sworn SROs, and required training and activities.