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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

State courts

BJS FY 10 Survey of State Court Criminal Appeals, including Capital Case Processing

Closing Date
The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is seeking applicants to administer the Survey of State Court Criminal Appeals (SSCCA). BJS awarded funds to design and develop a survey capable of obtaining statistical information on criminal appeals in state intermediate appellate courts and courts of last resort in 2008. The purpose of this award is to provide funding to finalize the sampling design and survey development...

BJS FY 10 Survey of State Court Prosecutors

Closing Date
BJS is seeking proposals to obtain a data collection agent for the 2010 National Survey of Prosecutors (NSP-10). The NSP-10 will focus on the administration of prosecution activities and the emerging types of cases and knowledge from a nationally representative sample of approximately 475 prosecutor offices that handle felony cases in state court.

BJS FY 10 NICS Act Record Improvement Program (NARIP) for States and State Court Systems

Closing Date
This program furthers the Department's mission by improving the records utilized by NICS by providing assistance to states to improve the completeness, automation, and transmittal of records to state and federal systems. Such records include criminal history records, records of felony convictions, warrants, records of protective orders, convictions for misdemeanors involving domestic violence and stalking, records of mental health adjudications, and others, which may disqualify...