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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

National Justice Agency List, 1986

NCJ Number
Date Published
March 1987
This booklet indicates the data field number and the number of data characters for each data item in the National Justice Agency List for 1986.

The 1986 list has been updated by adding data from various surveys conducted in the past 3 years. They are the 1984 State Correctional Facilities Survey, the 1986 Juvenile Detention and Correctional Facilities Survey, the 1986 Directory Survey of General Jurisdiction Courts. The prison sector has also been updated using the recently published American Correctional Association Directory. The populations section has been updated by replacing the old populations with 1984 populations for cities and townships and 1985 estimated populations for the remaining agencies. The record description in this booklet indicates the field number and number of characters for the data items in the section for the "Government Identification Code." This covers the following data items: State, government type, county code, sector type, agency name, address, telephone number, county name, population, type of agency/ facility, agency/facility structure, workload data, and employment data. The field number and number of characters are also shown for each data item in nine of the sectors: public defenders, law enforcement, courts, probation and parole, juvenile corrections, local adult corrections, State adult corrections, Federal adult corrections, and other justice agencies.

Date Published: March 1, 1987