Data are listed by the following most serious conviction offenses: murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, drug trafficking, and "other felonies." Data cover the number of convictions by type of conviction and the percentage of convictions by offense and type of conviction. The types of sentences (incarceration or nonincarceration) are indicated for each offense type. Data also address the mean and median sentence lengths by offense and type of sentence, the percentage of type of sentence for each type of conviction, and the percentage of convictions by number of conviction charges for each type of conviction. Other tables pertain to types of sentences by number of convictions, percentage of felons convicted of multiple charges and sentenced to prison by type of conviction and type of sentence, and the mean and median number of days between arrest and conviction by offense type and conviction type. Length of time between conviction and sentencing is also reported. 12 tables.
Felony Case Processing in State Courts, 1986
NCJ Number
Date Published
February 1990
Publication Series
This report presents data on method of conviction (jury trials, bench trials, and guilty pleas) as well as the types and length of sentences for felony cases in State courts for 1986.
Date Published: February 1, 1990