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Expired Funding Opportunities


This page presents expired funding opportunities from the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Use the search filters below to find specific solicitations. Select a solicitation title to see details about the solicitation along with any resulting awards.

2020 Criminal History Record Assessment and Research Program (CHRARP)

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The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is seeking proposals to support the Criminal History Record Assessment and Research Program (CHRARP). This statistical program furthers BJS's mission to produce accurate and timely information on the recidivism and criminal histories of offenders. The recipient of funds will transform automated criminal history records from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the FBI into databases that support statistical research and studies on the offending patterns of various cohorts of individuals.

FY 2019 Annual Survey of Jails in Indian Country, 2020-23

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The SJIC collects information from all known operating confinement facilities, detention centers, and other correctional facilities (80 as of 2014) operated by tribal authorities or the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). The SJIC collects information pertaining to jail inmate population counts, movements, and characteristics on the last weekday in the month of June each year.

FY 2019 Statistical Support Program

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The BJS Statistical Support Program (BJS SSP is designed to provide scientific and technical support for statistical and methodological research, statistical analyses, documentation, and dissemination services in support of BJS's Criminal Justice Statistics Program (CJSP). Through the CJSP, BJS collects and publishes statistics about crime and the operations of the criminal justice system. The CJSP encompasses more than 30 separate statistical collections about policing, prosecution, the courts, institutional corrections, and community supervision.

Survey of Public Defenders (SPD)

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The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is seeking applications for the testing and fielding of a data collection program that surveys public defenders. This study will continue BJS’s efforts to collect data on indigent defense in the United States. It will extend the efforts of the Census of Public Defender Offices (CPDO) and National Survey of Indigent Defense Systems (NSIDS) to enhance our understanding of the work done by attorneys who represent indigent clients.

Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies (SCLEA)

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The award recipient, working with BJS, will develop a plan for surveying law enforcement agencies deployed by public and private institutions of higher education. SCLEA was last administered in 2011. The recipient of funds will be asked to verify and update the sampling frame, design a sampling strategy, convene an expert panel meeting to review the survey instrument and survey contact strategies if the applicant and BJS determine such a meeting is necessary, and submit the sampling plan and survey to BJS.

National Inmate Survey (NIS-4 Prisons) 2018-19

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On September 4, 2003, President George W. Bush signed the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (Public Law 108 79). The act requires BJS to carry out, for each calendar year, a comprehensive statistical review and analysis of the incidence and effects of prison rape. The act further instructs BJS to collect survey data: the Bureau shall use surveys and other statistical studies of current and former inmates. The law was passed in part to overcome a shortage of available research on the incidence and prevalence of sexual violence in correctional facilities.

FY 2019 Graduate Research Fellowship Program for Criminal Justice Statistics

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The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is seeking applications under its Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) Program, which provides awards to accredited universities for doctoral research that uses BJS'™s criminal justice data or statistical series and focuses on one of the top Department of Justice (DOJ) priorities: enhancing national security and countering terrorism threats, securing the borders and enhancing immigration enforcement, reducing violent crime and promoting public safety, or prosecuting federal drug crimes and enforcing the rule of law.

State Justice Statistics Program for Statistical Analysis Centers, 2019

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This program announcement describes the guidelines and requirements of the fiscal year (FY) 2019 State Justice Statistics (SJS) Program for Statistical Analysis Centers (SACs). Since 1972, the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and its predecessor agency, the National Criminal Justice Information and Statistics Service, have provided support to state and territorial governments to establish and operate SACs to collect, analyze, and report statistics on crime and justice to federal, state, and local levels of government and to share state level information nationally.

Law Enforcement Core Statistics (LECS) Program

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The Law Enforcement Core Statistics (LECS) Program will focus on the organizational characteristics of law enforcement agencies (LEAs). The goal of the program is to provide accurate and timely national statistics about the personnel, operations, policies, and procedures of state, local, and tribal LEAs in the United States. The LECS includes three of BJS ™s core law enforcement collections: Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics (LEMAS) core survey, Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies (SCLEA) and the Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies (CSLLEA).

FY 2019 BJS Graduate Research Fellowship Program for Criminal Justice Statistics

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The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is seeking applications under its Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) Program. This program provides awards to accredited universities for doctoral research that uses BJSs criminal justice data or statistical series and focuses on crime, violence, and other criminal justice-related topics. BJS invests in doctoral education by supporting universities that sponsor students who demonstrate the potential to complete doctoral degree programs successfully in disciplines relevant to the mission of BJS, and who are in the final stages of graduate study.

FY 2019 BJS Visiting Fellowship Program in Criminal Justice Statistics

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BJS Visiting Fellows Program aims to facilitate collaboration between academic scholars and government researchers in survey methodology, statistics, economics, and social sciences. BJS Visiting Fellows have the unique opportunity to address substantive, methodological, and analytic issues relevant to BJS programs and to further knowledge about and understanding of the operation of the criminal justice system.

FY 2019 National Survey of Tribal Courts

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BJS is seeking applications to update and conduct the 2019 National Survey of Tribal Courts. Tasks include update the questionnaire, conduct cognitive testing, and implement the full data collection for the reference year 2019. The NSTCS19 will collect information on the administration and operation of the estimated nearly 300 tribal courts in the U.S. The survey collects trending data on core NSTCS items, such as office staff size, staff benefits and resources, sources of funding, caseload and calls for services.

National Survey of Victim Service Providers Supplement (NSVSP)

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This award supplements the NSVSP work already underway by providing funding required to: (a) conduct a small (n = 9 VSPs) test to examine the usability of the NSVSP instrument and make modifications to the NSVSP instrument programming based on the results of the testing; (b) administer the NSVSP to a larger sample of VSPs than originally planned to support state-level estimates in addition to national estimates, specifically estimates in the 4 census regions and in the 14 states with the most VSPs; and (c) extend the data collection period by one month for a total of five months in the field.

FY19 Law Enforcement Core Statistics (LECS) Continuation Program

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The Law Enforcement Core Statistics Program (LECS) focuses on the organizational characteristics of law enforcement agencies (LEAs). The goal of the program is to provide accurate and timely national statistics about the personnel, operations, policies, and procedures of state, local, and tribal LEAs in the United States.

FY 2019 NCS-X Implementation Assistance Program: Support for Local Law Enforcement Agencies

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The National Crime Statistics Exchange (NCS-X) Initiative is part of a national movement to expand the number of law enforcement (LE) agencies reporting crime data to the FBIs National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). NCS-X seeks to transition a select sample of 400 LE agencies from across the country, including all of the largest agencies, to NIBRS, in order to use NIBRS data to generate national crime statistics.

FY 18 National Crime Statistics Exchange (NCS X State) Implementation Assistance Program Continued Support for Program Participants

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The National Crime Statistics Exchange (NCS-X) Initiative is part of a national movement to expand the number of law enforcement (LE) agencies reporting crime data to the FBIs National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). NCS-X seeks to transition a select sample of 400 LE agencies from across the country, including all of the largest agencies, to NIBRS, in order to use NIBRS data to generate national crime statistics.

National Crime Statistics Exchange (NCS-X) Technical Assistance and Implementation Support

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The National Crime Statistics Exchange (NCS-X) Initiative is part of a national movement to expand the number of law enforcement (LE) agencies reporting incident-based crime data to the FBI’s National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). NCS-X seeks to transition a select sample of 400 LE agencies from across the country, including all of the largest agencies, to NIBRS, in order to use NIBRS data to generate national crime statistics.

FY 2018 Continuation of the Federal Justice Statistics Program

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The BJS Federal Justice Statistics Program (FJSP) serves as the national clearinghouse of administrative federal criminal case processing data. The FJSP is authorized by statute to collect, analyze, and disseminate comprehensive federal justice transaction statistics and to work jointly with other federal agencies to improve the quality of federal justice data (42 U.S.C. § 3732 (c) (15)). Under this program, administrative data are received from six federal justice agencies each year and standardized to enhance quality of case processing statistics.

Firearm Inquiry Statistics (FIST) Program, 2018-21

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The goal of the FIST program is provide national estimates of the total number of firearm purchase applications received and denied pursuant to the Brady Act and similar state laws. FIST collects counts of firearm transfer applications and permit checks conducted by state and local agencies and combines them with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) National Instant Background Check (NICS) transaction data.

National Survey of Prosecutors, 2019 (NSP19)

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Under 34 U.S.C. § 10132 (c)(3), the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is authorized to “collect and analyze data that will serve as a continuous and comparable national social indication of the prevalence, incidence, rates, extent, distribution, and attributes of crime.” To support this goal, BJS has conducted prior surveys of prosecutors and will update that information collection with this solicitation. The National Survey of Prosecutors, 2019 (NSP19) will focus on the administration of prosecution activities.

2019 Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories

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The Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories will collect information from and provide national-level statistics on publicly operated forensic crime laboratories. The topics will include policies, practices, services, staffing, and resources.

2019 Census of Jails and 2020-23 Annual Survey of Jails

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BJS conducts the COJ and the ASJ series to collect facility and jurisdiction level data on jail population. Since 1970, the COJ has been administered periodically to about 3,200 county and city jails (local jails) nationwide and from the Federal Bureau of Prisons facilities that function as jails. Started in 1982, the ASJ has been administered to a nationally representative sample of nearly 900 jail jurisdictions in years between censuses.

FY 2018 NCS-X Implementation Assistance Program: Support for Local Law Enforcement Agencies, Part 2

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The National Crime Statistics Exchange (NCS-X) Initiative is part of a national movement to expand the number of law enforcement (LE) agencies reporting crime data to the FBIs National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). NCS-X seeks to transition a select sample of 400 LE agencies from across the country, including all of the largest agencies, to NIBRS, in order to use NIBRS data to generate national crime statistics.

FY 18 Mortality in Correctional Institutions

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Mortality in Correctional Institutions (MCI) (formerly known as the Deaths in Custody Reporting Program (DCRP) is a BJS flagship data collection that began in 2000. Through this collection, BJS measures mortality in correctional settings and reports on how and why inmates die in custody. BJS collects inmate mortality data annually from nearly 3,000 local jails and 50 state departments of corrections (DOCs). Respondents report the cause of death and circumstances surrounding the death, as well as decedent demographic characteristics.

Survey of Law Enforcement Personnel in Schools (SLEPS)

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A data collection that focused on the activities, roles, and responsibilities of law enforcement agencies and personnel who have responsibilities for interacting with and working in K-12 public schools. The tasks will require instrument design, a field test of that design, and a data collection that includes a nationally represented sample of law enforcement personnel working in schools.