Law enforcement
Federal Prosecution of Human Trafficking, 2001-2005
Traffic Stop Data Collection Policies for State Police, 1999
Police Use of Force
Tribal Law Enforcement, 2000
National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS)
Background on the collection of reported crime data
Since 1930, the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program has collected information about crimes known to and arrests made by law enforcement. The UCR Summary Reporting System (SRS) collected monthly counts of the number of crimes known to law enforcement from thousands of agencies throughout the United States. Information on the number of crimes known...
Crime Data Requests 1994-96: A Review of Requests for Crime Information from the State Law Enforcement Division of South Carolina
Crime and Victimization in the Three Largest Metropolitan Areas, 1980-98
Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies
Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE BUREAU OF JUSTICE STATISTICS Advance for Release at 5 P.M. EDT Friday, July 2, 1993 202-307-0784 The nation's more than 17,000 state and local police and sheriff's departments had 840,647 full-time employees as of June 30, 1992, the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) announced today. BJS, a Department of Justice agency, said 603,465...
Campus Law Enforcement Agencies, 1995
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ADVANCE FOR RELEASE AT 4:30 P.M. EST BJS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1996 202/633-3047 COLLEGE CAMPUSES GUARDED BY NEARLY 11,000 POLICE OFFICERS -- MOST ARE ARMED WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Last year, there were nearly 11,000 full-time sworn police officers on the campuses of four-year colleges and universities with 2,500 or more students, according to a first-of-its-kind study released today by the Justice...
Violence by Intimates
Police Use of Force
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ADVANCE FOR RELEASE AT 9 A.M. EST BJS SATURDAY NOVEMBER 22, 1997 202/307-0784 ONE IN FIVE U.S. RESIDENTS IN CONTACT WITH POLICE DURING YEAR WASHINGTON, D.C. -- An estimated 45 million United States residents--one in five--have some sort of face-to-face contact with law enforcement officers annually, according to a new Justice Department study. Among those with such contacts, a third seek...
Federal Law Enforcement Officers, 1996
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ADVANCE FOR RELEASE AT 4:30 P.M. EST BJS SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, 1998 202/307-0784 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYS 74,500 LAW OFFICERS WASHINGTON, D.C. -- As of June 1996 the federal government employed about 74,500 full-time law enforcement officers authorized to make arrests and carry a gun. This is up about 6 percent from 1993, the last time the survey was done, the Justice...
Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies, 1996
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Revised 7/16/98 pm ADVANCE FOR RELEASE AT 4:30 P.M. EDT BJS SUNDAY, JUNE 7, 1998 202/307-0784 THE NUMBER OF STATE AND LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS ASSIGNED TO PATROL AND RESPONSE DUTIES GREW BY 19 PERCENT IN FOUR YEARS WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The number of full-time state and local law enforcement officers whose regularly assigned duties included responding to calls for service...
Local Police Departments, 1997: Executive Summary and Sheriffs' Departments, 1997: Executive Summary
ADVANCE FOR RELEASE AT 4:30 P.M. EDT BJS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1999 202/307-0784 PERSONNEL INCREASES IN LOCAL POLICE AND SHERIFFS' DEPARTMENTS WASHINGTON, D.C. Local police departments had an estimated 531,496 full-time employees as of June 1997, the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) announced today. Of these employees about 420,000 were sworn personnel (officers with arrest powers). Local police employment was up by an...
National Criminal History Improvement Program Grants
Justice Department Awards Over $42 Million to Improve Criminal History Records
Funds Enhance Identification of Ineligible Gun Purchasers and Sex Offenders
WASHINGTON, Aug. 20The Justice Department today is awarding more than $42 million to 55 states and territories to continue automating and improving the quality of criminal history records, which can help law enforcement with background checks for guns and other purposes. The awards mark...
Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics, 1998
ADVANCE FOR RELEASE AT 4:30 P.M. BJS WEDNESDAY MAY 31, 2000 202/307-0784 CROSS-AGENCY FEDERAL ARREST DATA PUBLISHED FOR FIRST TIME ALMOST HALF OF ARRESTS FOR DRUG OR IMMIGRATION OFFENSES WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Approximately 73 percent of the 106,139 federal arrests made during fiscal year 1998 were made by Department of Justice law enforcement agencies--the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Drug...
Conducting Community Surveys: A Practical Guide for Law Enforcement Agencies
Census of Law Enforcement Training Academies (CLETA)
The CLETA gathers information on recruits, staff, training curricula, equipment, and facilities from training academies that are responsible for administering mandatory basic training to newly appointed or elected law enforcement officers. These academies are operated by state, county, and municipal agencies and by universities, colleges, and technical schools. Academies that provided only in-service training were excluded from CLETA.
Community Policing in Local Police Departments, 1997 and 1999
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2001 202/307-0784
WASHINGTON, D.C.- From 1997 through 1999 the percentage of local police officers throughout the nation who were designated community policing officers increased from 4 percent to 21 percent, according to a new report from the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice...
Contacts between Police and the Public: Findings from the 1999 National Survey
SUNDAY, March, 11, 2001 202/307-0784
Half of all Contacts with Law Enforcement Officers are in Traffic Stops
WASHINGTON, D.C. - An estimated 43.8 million people 16 years old or older, or about 21 percent of the population of that age, had contact with the...