Elementary school age (5-10)
Computer-Aided Techniques Against Public Assistance Fraud - A Case Study of the Aid to Families With Dependent Children (AFDC) Program
World Factbook of Criminal Justice Systems: Sweden
Compendium of State Privacy and Security Legislation: 1997 Overview - Arkansas; Crime Reporting and Investigations
Tracking Offenders - The Child Victim
Child Abuse and Neglect Report: Children and the Agency
Crime and Justice Survey Results, Tennessee, 1992
Compendium of State Privacy and Security Legislation: 1997 Overview - Delaware; Delaware Code Annotated
Kentucky Crime Estimation Program: 1986-1987 Crime Rates and Public Opinions, Executive Summary
Understanding the Enemy: An Informational Overview of Substance Abuse in Ohio
Children in Custody
Report to Utah on Crime and Justice
Child Abuse and Neglect in Kentucky, 1978-1984
Crime and Seasonality: A National Crime Survey Report
Compendium of State Privacy and Security Legislation: 1997 Overview - North Carolina; Article Three, Criminal Statistics
National Conference on Criminal History Records: Brady and Beyond; Proceedings of a BJS/SEARCH Group Conference
Children in Custody, 1975-85: Census of Public and Private Juvenile Detention, Correctional, and Shelter Facilities, 1975, 1977, 1979, 1983, and 1985
Victimization During Household Burglary
ADVANCE FOR RELEASE AT 10:00 A.M. EDT | Bureau of Justice Statistics |
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 | Contact: Kara McCarthy (202) 307-1241 |
https://bjs.gov/ | After hours: (202) 598-0556 |
WASHINGTON – An estimated 3.7 million household burglaries occurred each year from 2003 through 2007, and about seven percent (266,560) involved some form of violent...
Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980-2008
Violent offenses
Rape—Includes forcible intercourse, sodomy, or penetration with a foreign object. It does not include statutory rape or nonforcible acts with a minor or someone unable to give legal consent, nonviolent sexual offenses, or commercialized sex offenses.
Robbery—Includes unlawful taking of anything of value by force or threat of force. It includes armed, unarmed, and aggravated robbery, carjacking, armed burglary, and armed mugging.
Assault—Includes aggravated assault, aggravated battery, attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, felony assault or battery on a law enforcement officer, and other felony assaults. It does not include extortion, coercion, or intimidation.
Other violent offenses—Includes vehicular manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter, negligent or reckless homicide, nonviolent or nonforcible sexual assault, kidnapping, unlawful imprisonment, child or spouse abuse, cruelty to a child, reckless endangerment, hit-and-run with bodily injury, intimidation, and extortion.