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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Crime type


A crime as it affects one individual person or household. For personal crimes, the number of victimizations is equal to the number of victims involved. The number of victimizations may be greater than the number of incidents because more than one person may be victimized during an incident. Each crime against a household is assumed to involve a single victim, the affected household.

Personal crimes

Rape, sexual assault, personal robbery, assault, purse snatching, and pocket picking. This category includes both attempted and completed crimes.
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Multiple offenders

Two or more persons inflicting some direct harm to a victim. The victim-offender relationship is determined by the offender with the closest relationship to the victim. The following list ranks the different relationships from closest to most distant: spouse, former spouse, parent, child, other relative, nonrelative well known person, casual acquaintance, or stranger. See "Nonstranger" and "Stranger."
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A specific criminal act involving one or more victims and offenders. For example, if two people are robbed at the same time and place, this is classified as two robbery victimizations but only one robbery incident.
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Human Trafficking Reporting System (HTRS)

The Human Trafficking Reporting System (HTRS) was developed in 2007 to collect data on alleged human trafficking incidents from state and local law enforcement agencies. It collected information on incident, suspect, and victim characteristics from 38 human trafficking task forces, funded by the Department of Justice. Incident data include the number of suspects and victims, number of agencies involved in the incident, confirmation of incident...