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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Households Touched by Crime, 1985

NCJ Number
Date Published
June 1986
This report presents and explains statistics from the 1985 National Crime Survey on household victimization by rape, personal robbery, assault, household burglary, personal and household theft, and motor vehicle theft.

A graph displays the percent of households victimized by selected crimes of violence and theft for 1975-1985, followed by graphs of the percent of households victimized by selected crimes by race of household head for 1975-1985. A series of tables shows the number of households victimized by various crimes in 1985 and the percent change since 1984; the number and percent distribution of victimized households by crime type for 1975-1985; the percent of victimized households by crime type and selected household characteristics (race of household head, annual family income, and place of residence) for 1985; and the percent of victimized households by selected crimes and household size for 1985. Other graphs display victimized households by selected crimes and place of residence for 1975-1985; percent of households victimized by crime type, race of household head, and place of residence for 1981-1985; and the percentage of households that experienced selected negative life events in a year. Twenty-five percent of the Nation's households were touched by a crime of violence or theft in 1985 compared to 26 percent in 1984 and 32 percent in 1975. A narrative summary of data is provided.

Date Published: June 1, 1986