National Survey of Prosecutors (NSP)
The data obtained from the National Survey of Prosecutors (NSP) provided data on prosecutorial activities nationwide as well as a variety of administrative and legal issues facing prosecutors who handle felony cases in state courts. The 2020 NSP surveyed 750 of the 2.347 state prosecutor offices in the U.S. Prior to the 2020 NSP, the most recent iteration of NSP was a census conducted in...
Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies (SCLEA)
Provides data describing campus law enforcement agencies serving U.S. 4-year institutions with 1,000 or more students. Also surveyed were 2-year institutions with 1,000 or more students. Data were collected on agency staffing, operations, budget, policies, responsibilities, training, and equipment. The survey includes campus law enforcement agencies serving institutions funded both publicly and privately.
National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)
The BJS National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) is the nation's primary source of information on criminal victimization. Each year, data are obtained from a nationally representative sample of about 240,000 persons in about 150,000 households. Persons are interviewed on the frequency, characteristics, and consequences of criminal victimization in the United States. The NCVS collects information on nonfatal personal crimes (i.e., rape or sexual assault, robbery, aggravated and...