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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Domestic violence

National Criminal History Improvement Assistance Program (NCHIP TA)

Closing Date
Through this solicitation, BJS is seeking a national technical assistance service provider to support the goals and objectives of its National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP) and NICS Act Record Improvement Program (NARIP). Direct technical assistance is provided to states, territories, and tribal jurisdictions to ensure that records systems are developed and managed to conform to FBI standards, ensure jurisdictions are using the most appropriate...

Domestic violence courts

Address criminal cases that involve offenses against persons who are related in some way, most often through intimate partnership or family relationship. They include integrated domestic violence courts, which handle both domestic violence and family issues (e.g., custody and visitation).
Automated Tags

Census of Problem-Solving Courts (CPSC)

The 2012 Census of Problem-Solving Courts (CPSC) involved the collection of data from all active problem-solving courts. In order to be considered a problem-solving court, it must have (1) operated within the judiciary, (2) operated under the direction of a judicial officer, (3) been active in the reference year, and (4) used therapeutic services to reduce recidivism. A variety of data elements were collected in...