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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.


BJS FY 10 NCRP Data Collection 2010-2013

Closing Date
The BJS seeks a data collection agent for the National Corrections Reporting Program (NCRP) for the years 2010 through 2013, to collect individual (or offender-level) data on prisoners entering and leaving the custody or supervision of state prison systems and discharges from parole. BJS uses these data to support its ongoing efforts to study changes in racial and offense composition of corrections populations, movements and...


Prisoners are inmates confined in long-term facilities run by the state or federal government or private agencies. They are typically felons who have received a sentence of incarceration of 1 year or more. (Sentence length may vary by state because a few states have one integrated prison system in which both prison and jail inmates are confined in the same types of facilities.)
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