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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

May 2024 Month in Review

Learn more about BJS’s activities in May 2024. Click on the headings below for details.

BJS report details 2022 correctional populations statistics

BJS released Correctional Populations in the United States, 2022 – Statistical Tables. This report summarizes data on populations supervised by probation or parole agencies and those incarcerated in state or federal prisons or in the custody of local jails from 2012 to 2022. It also includes tables on sex and race or ethnicity of persons supervised by correctional systems. BJS has published statistics on correctional populations since 1985.

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BJS report presents 2022 probation and parole populations statistics

BJS released Probation and Parole in the United States, 2022. This report provides data on adult U.S. residents under correctional supervision in the community. It includes characteristics of this population, such as sex, race or ethnicity, and most serious offense. The report details how people move onto and off community supervision, such as completing their term of supervision, being incarcerated, absconding, or other unsatisfactory outcomes while in the community. It is the 31st in a series that began in 1981.

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2022 datasets now available from the Federal Justice Statistics Program

BJS released 18 datasets from the Federal Justice Statistics Program (FJSP) for 2022 through the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data. The FJSP covers seven stages of federal criminal case processing:

  • Arrest refers to the arrest of a suspect by a federal law enforcement agency. 
  • Prosecution refers to the investigation of criminal matters. 
  • Pretrial release includes the release and detention of defendants before adjudication. 
  • Adjudication covers the criminal court proceedings through case disposition. 
  • Sentencing covers sentences imposed on convicted defendants. 
  • Appeals covers cases filed and terminated on appeal. 
  • Corrections includes offenders under supervision (i.e., probation, supervised release, or parole) and offenders in prison.

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FY 2024 funding is available for the expansion of BJS data collection, analysis, and reporting

BJS is seeking applicants to administer the BJS Statistical Support Program (BJS-SSP). The primary goal of the BJS-SSP is to provide statistical and methodological support for existing and new data collections and to support efforts to expand the agency’s capacity to collect, analyze, and report criminal justice data.

Applications will be submitted in a two-step process, each step with its own deadline:

  1. Step 1: Submit an SF-424 and an SF-LLL in Grants.gov. Grants.gov forms are due on July 23, 2024, by 5:00 p.m. ET.
  2. Step 2: Submit the full application including attachments in JustGrants.usdoj.gov. The full JustGrants application is due on July 30, 2024, by 5:00 p.m. ET.

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BJS FY24 Federal Law Enforcement Agency Deaths in Custody Reporting Program, 2024–2026 

BJS is seeking applicants for the FY24 Federal Law Enforcement Agency Deaths in Custody Reporting Program, 2024–2026 data collection solicitation. Building on existing efforts, BJS plans to work with the awardee to collect data in FY 2024, FY 2025, and FY 2026 on persons who died in the custody of federal law enforcement agencies. The data collection will include a web-based interface to allow federal law enforcement agencies to identify all deaths that are arrest-related or that occur in detention or incarceration facilities. 

Applications will be submitted in a two-step process, each step with its own deadline:

  1. Step 1: Submit an SF-424 and an SF-LLL in Grants.gov. Grants.gov forms are due on July 2, 2024, by 5:00 p.m. ET.
  2. Step 2: Submit the full application including attachments in JustGrants.usdoj.gov. The full JustGrants application is due on July 9, 2024, by 5:00 p.m. ET.

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New funding opportunity for BJS’s FY 2024 National Survey of Victim Service Providers 

BJS is seeking applicants for funding to administer the FY 2024 National Survey of Victim Service Providers (NSVSP). The NSVSP is part of BJS’s Victim Services Statistical Research Program, an effort to develop a statistical infrastructure around victim services and address major gaps in knowledge about the availability and use of services to support victims of crime or abuse. As a follow-up to the 2023 National Census of Victim Service Providers, the NSVSP will collect more detailed information on services provided, staffing, and organizational constraints from a representative sample of victim service providers. 

Applications will be submitted in a two-step process, each step with its own deadline:

  1. Step 1: Submit an SF-424 and an SF-LLL in Grants.gov. Grants.gov forms are due on July 9, 2024, by 5:00 p.m. ET.
  2. Step 2: Submit the full application including attachments in JustGrants.usdoj.gov. The full JustGrants application is due on July 16, 2024, by 5:00 p.m. ET.

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FY 2024 funding is available for state Statistical Analysis Centers

BJS is seeking applicants from state Statistical Analysis Centers to apply for funding under the fiscal year 2024 State Justice Statistics Program solicitation. This program supports the collection, analysis, and dissemination of statistical information on crime and criminal justice at the state and local levels. 

Applications will be submitted in a two-step process, each step with its own deadline:

  1. Step 1: Submit an SF-424 and an SF-LLL in Grants.gov. Grants.gov forms are due on June 24, 2024, by 5:00 p.m. ET.
  2. Step 2: Submit the full application including attachments in JustGrants.usdoj.gov. The full JustGrants application is due on July 1, 2024, by 5:00 p.m. ET.

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FY24 Funding available for the Continuation of the Federal Justice Statistics Program 

BJS is accepting applications for funding to administer an FY24 Continuation of the Federal Justice Statistics Program (FJSP). BJS seeks to maximize the utility of the FJSP by providing the data and tools needed to support evidence-based analyses for DOJ and other executive, legislative, and judicial branch agencies. This includes expanding the information available through the Federal Criminal Case Processing query tool and demonstrating new ways—especially through record-linkage tools—that federal data can be analyzed to develop evidence to support policymaking. 

Applications will be submitted in a two-step process, each step with its own deadline:

  1. Step 1: Submit an SF-424 and an SF-LLL in Grants.gov. Grants.gov forms are due on July 1, 2024, by 5:00 p.m. ET.
  2. Step 2: Submit the full application including attachments in JustGrants.usdoj.gov. The full JustGrants application is due on July 8, 2024, by 5:00 p.m. ET.

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Funding is available through the FY 2024 NICS Act Record Improvement Program solicitation  

BJS is seeking applicants for fiscal year 2024 funding through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) Act Record Improvement Program (NARIP). Eligible states and tribes may receive grant funding to improve the completeness, automation, and transmittal of records to state and federal systems used by NICS, and to improve reporting of persons prohibited from owning firearms due to domestic violence and mental health

Applications will be submitted in a two-step process, each step with its own deadline:

  1. Step 1: Submit an SF-424 and an SF-LLL in Grants.gov. Grants.gov forms are due on July 1, 2024, by 5:00 p.m. ET.
  2. Step 2: Submit the full application including attachments in JustGrants.usdoj.gov. The full JustGrants application is due on July 8, 2024, by 5:00 p.m. ET.

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BJS webinar on NCVS and NIBRS crime data

On May 16, 2024, BJS statisticians hosted the Nation’s Two Crime Measures webinar. This webinar provided an overview of BJS’s National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) and the FBI’s National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). Participants learned about the similarities and differences between the NCVS and NIBRS, the data each collects, and how these data are collected. This presentation also demonstrated how data from these collections can be used to address questions about crime.

The recording for this webinar is forthcoming.

Public comments requested for a data collection on medical examiner and coroner offices

BJS is seeking comments on the reinstatement, with changes, of the Census of Medical Examiner and Coroner Offices, a previously approved collection for which approval has expired. This census will provide comprehensive statistics regarding the organizational structure, operations, policies and procedures, finances, and resources of the approximately 2,300 medical examiner and coroner offices nationwide. 

Submit your comments to the Office of Management and Budget through the Federal Register by July 22, 2024. 

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New Deputy Director of Statistical Collections Kristin Tennyson 

BJS announced Kristin Tennyson, PhD, as the new deputy director of Statistical Collections, overseeing the Jails and Community Corrections, Judicial Statistics, Prisons Corrections, and Reentry, Recidivism, and Special Projects Units. Kris has researched and worked on criminal justice and Latin American issues for over 20 years, with expertise in research methods, rule of law, migration, violent crime, and transnational drug crime. 

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New Jails and Community Corrections Statistics Unit Chief, Todd Minton

BJS announced Todd Minton as the new chief of its Jails and Community Corrections Statistics Unit. Todd has worked as a statistician for over 25 years, providing expertise to BJS, the U.S. Department of Justice, and the U.S. federal statistical system on topics related to jails and the measurement of demographic characteristics of inmates held in local and Indian country jails.

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BJS Management Analyst (Statistical Policy Advisor) vacancy 

BJS is hiring a Management Analyst to be the primary point of contact and advisor to the BJS Director and BJS management on policy matters related to the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018. The BJS Director serves as the DOJ Statistical Official and is responsible for coordinating and directing DOJ-wide statistical policy, per the Evidence Act.

Applications are due by Thursday, June 6, 2024.   

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  • 2024 FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System Users Conference  
  • American Society of Evidence-Based Policing Annual Conference
  • American Jail Association (AJA) 2024 Conference & Jail Expo
  • Turkmenistan delegation on human trafficking data collection and investigation
  • Annual American Association for Public Opinion Research Conference
  • 19th International Association of Official Statistics Conference
  • 33rd Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
  • National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine committee on Cybercrime Classification and Measurement 
  • Mid-America Regional Crime Analysis Network Annual Conference
  • AI Day for Federal Statistics 

Access previous Months in Review and view BJS's 2023 Year in Review. Subscribe to JUSTSTATS to receive real-time updates from BJS.

Date Published: June 5, 2024