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June 2024 Month in Review

Learn more about BJS’s activities in June 2024. Click on the headings below for details.

2023 preliminary data on jails now available online

BJS released Jails Report Series: 2023 Preliminary Data Release. This web-based report provides preliminary statistics on key items from the annual jail data collection, including the number of inmates held in local jails, by inmate demographics and conviction status; the number of admissions to jail; and jail incarceration rates between 2013 and 2023. BJS plans to publish final 2023 statistics in Jail Inmates in 2023 – Statistical Tables later this year. 

See the BJS forthcoming publications page to stay up to date on planned releases. 

Read the Report

New report describes prison rape data collection activities 

BJS released PREA Data Collection Activities, 2023. This report describes BJS’s data collection and developmental activities during 2023 to measure the incidence and prevalence of rape and sexual assault in adult correctional and juvenile justice facilities. These efforts include three independent collections: the Survey of Sexual Victimization, the National Inmate Survey, and the National Survey of Youth in Custody. Estimates from these collections are not directly comparable. This is the 16th report in an annual series.

Read the Report

FY 2024 funding is available for the Technical Assistance Program under the State Justice Statistics Program for Statistical Analysis Centers 

BJS seeks to provide funding for the Technical Assistance Program to support activities under the State Justice Statistics Program for Statistical Analysis Centers (SJS-SAC) in FY 2024. The SJS-SAC is designed to maintain and enhance each state’s capacity to coordinate statistical activities in the state, conduct research on relevant criminal justice issues, and serve as a liaison to help BJS gather data from state agencies.

Applications will be submitted in a two-step process, each step with its own deadline:

  1. Step 1: Submit an SF-424 and an SF-LLL in Grants.gov. Grants.gov forms are due on August 5, 2024, by 5:00 p.m. ET.
  2. Step 2: Submit the full application including attachments in JustGrants.usdoj.gov. The full JustGrants application is due on August 5, 2024, by 5:00 p.m. ET.

Apply Now 

Public comments requested on the NCVS School Crime Supplement

BJS and the Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics seek comments regarding the proposed collection of information about crimes that occurred at or near a school and other characteristics of school crime. 

The School Crime Supplement (SCS) asks respondents ages 12 through 18 questions on preventive measures used by schools; students’ participation in afterschool activities; students’ perceptions of safety and belonging in school; students’ perception of school rules and enforcement of these rules; the presence of weapons, illegal and prescription drugs (including opioids), alcohol, and gangs in schools; student bullying; hate-related incidents; and the fear of victimization at school. 

Submit your comments to the Office of Management and Budget through the Federal Register by August 19, 2024.

View Announcement and Provide Comments

Postsecondary Students: Learn more about an exciting showcase opportunity 

Undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to apply for a chance to demonstrate their work and collaborate with BJS statisticians and other experts in criminal justice and statistics, working with one of BJS’s many data collections.   

BJS and the American Society of Criminology will hold a special webinar where 10 selected students will each present a poster or visual describing their work. This is a unique opportunity to demonstrate your research and presentation skills.

It’s easy to apply! Find out more about the application process, important dates, eligibility requirements, and why you should participate.

All submissions are due by July 31, 2024.

Read the Announcement

New Deputy Director of the Planning and Operations Division, James McDaniel

BJS proudly announced James McDaniel, the newest member of its leadership team. As deputy director of the Planning and Operations Division, James will oversee the Communications; Planning, Management, and Budget; and Technology and Data Management Units. 

Read the Announcement

Apply now to join the BJS Technology and Data Management team

BJS is hiring a Data Scientist, GS-1560-13. This position will use advanced mathematical, statistical, and scientific methods to extract, process, and present data that inform BJS business decisions. The selected applicant will also use a variety of tools, data visualizations, and techniques to translate complex data into more easily understood forms and narratives to better communicate data findings to internal and external audiences.  

Applications are due by Monday, July 8, 2024.

View the Announcement and Apply Now

Apply now for the BJS Statistician (Confidentiality Officer) position! 

BJS seeks a Statistician (Confidentiality Officer), GS-1530-14, to design and operate its confidentiality program. This position will advise on statistical policies, methods, and standards to protect confidentiality through all phases of the data lifecycle. The position is open to the public and is being filled under the Direct Hire Authority. 

Applications are due by Monday, July 8, 2024.

View the Announcement and Apply Now

Apply now for the position of IT Project Manager in the BJS Technology and Data Management unit

BJS seeks an IT Project Manager, GS-2210-13, to provide advanced project management support for the planning, design, implementation, and maintenance of technical solutions related to the storage, analysis, and publication of statistical data and products. The selected applicant will leverage innovative project management methodologies to complete projects involving multiple stakeholders across multiple organizations in compliance with government-wide and DOJ policies, procedures, and directives

Applications are due by Monday, July 1, 2024.

View the Announcement and Apply Now

BJS participated in the following events:

  • 49th Annual Training Institute for the American Parole and Probation Association
  • 2024 National Sheriffs Association Annual Conference
  • 2024 National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (Nlets) Annual Business Meeting 
  • Advancing the Field of Forensic Pathology: Lessons Learned from Death in Custody Investigations 
  • Regional Criminal History Records Workshop
  • Advancing the Field of Forensic Pathology: Lessons Learned from Death in Custody Investigations 
  • Council of Professional Associations on Federal Statistics 

Access previous Months in Review and view BJS's 2023 Year in Review. Subscribe to JUSTSTATS to receive real-time updates from BJS.

Date Published: July 1, 2024