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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Labor trafficking

FY 2021 National Census of Victim Service Providers

Closing Date
Since 2015, between 2 and 4 billion has been allocated to crime victim services each year. BJS designed the National Census of Victim Service Providers (NCVSP) as a foundational data collection that describes the size and scope of the victim service provider field, monitors characteristics of agencies overtime, and describes the types of victims that receive services, particularly victims that are difficult to reach in...

FY 2019 National Survey of Tribal Courts

Closing Date
BJS is seeking applications to update and conduct the 2019 National Survey of Tribal Courts. Tasks include update the questionnaire, conduct cognitive testing, and implement the full data collection for the reference year 2019. The NSTCS19 will collect information on the administration and operation of the estimated nearly 300 tribal courts in the U.S. The survey collects trending data on core NSTCS items, such as...

BJS Proposes New Data Collection: Survey of State Attorneys General Offices (SSAGO): Human Trafficking

BJS encourages comments for 60 days until October 5, 2018, on a new data collection: Survey of State Attorneys General Offices (SSAGO): Human Trafficking. Your comments to BJS's request to the Office of Management and Budget, published in the in the Federal Register, should address points such as—

  • whether the proposed data collection is necessary, including whether the information will have practical utility
  • the...

Solicitation: The 2019 National Survey of Prosecutors

Apply now for funding to design and administer the survey which—

  • focuses on the administration of prosecution activities, strategies employed by those offices to address different priorities, and changes over time to the prosecution of crime
  • updates basic information, including office size, types of staff and resources, and emerging issues important to the Attorney General’s priorities (such as the prosecution of violent crime, human trafficking...

National Survey of Prosecutors, 2019 (NSP19)

Closing Date
Under 34 U.S.C. § 10132 (c)(3), the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is authorized to “collect and analyze data that will serve as a continuous and comparable national social indication of the prevalence, incidence, rates, extent, distribution, and attributes of crime.” To support this goal, BJS has conducted prior surveys of prosecutors and will update that information collection with this solicitation. The National Survey of...

BJS FY 15 Surveys of State Attorney General Offices

Closing Date
State Attorney General Offices handle major cases in a variety of areas. They handle cases that are important for national policy, that are hard to measure (e.g., white collar crime, mortgage fraud, identity theft, human trafficking, and government corruption) and that not included in any other BJS data system. This program will fill this information gap by establishing an on-going series of targeted surveys of...