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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

National Corrections Reporting Program: Time served in state prison, by offense, release type, sex, and race

Date Published
May 2011

Presents information on time served in state prison, by offense, release type, sex, and race.


Presents information on time served in state prison, by offense, release type, sex, and race.  These zip archives contain the following tables:

  • State prison releases: time served in prison, by offense and release type
  • First releases from state prison: sentence length, time served, and percent of sentence served, by offense
  • First releases from state prison: sentence length and time served in prison, by offense and sex
  • First releases from state prison: sentence length and time served in prison, by offense and race
  • Successful first state parole discharges: sentence length and time served, by offense
  • Unsuccessful first state parole discharges: sentence length and time served, by offense.

Date Published: May 5, 2011