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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Criminal Victimization 1983

NCJ Number
Date Published
June 1984
Preliminary data from the 1983 National Crime Survey show an overall 10 percent decline from 1982 in victimization rates for personal and household crimes.

A significant decline in the number of victimizations also occurred. In comparison to 1973-82 trends, there were record low figures for personal thefts and residential crimes. The incidence of rape did not change from 1982. The survey measured rape, robbery, assault with and without weapon use, personal larceny, household burglary and larceny, and motor vehicle theft offenses, including crimes not reported to the police. Data are from interviews conducted at 6-month intervals with a representative nationwide sample of 128,000 persons. Preliminary estimates are derived from predicted percent changes from 1982. Six tables and three figures are included.

Date Published: June 1, 1984