The State Justice Statistics (SJS) Program is designed to maintain and enhance each state's capacity to address criminal justice issues through collection and analysis of data. The SJS Program provides support to each state to coordinate and conduct statistical activities within the state, conduct research to estimate impacts of legislative and policy changes, and serve as a liaison in assisting BJS to gather data from respondent agencies within their states.
The Delaware Statistical Analysis Center is a separate state research and analysis agency reporting to the Director of the Criminal Justice Council (CJC), the organization which serves as Delawares State Administering Agency. The SAC works in close partnership with the CJC to identify priority criminal justice issues in Delaware which focus on the SACs analytic work. The SAC continues to operate under the supervision of a Director with assistance from five full-time research specialists and two part-time contracted specialists.
Under the 2016 SJS Core Capacity areas: Measuring criminal justice system performance, and Increasing access to data, the SAC will work with Delawares State Bureau of Identification (SBI) to continue to enhance the structure and format of summary and individual-incident level Delaware Incident Based Reporting System (DIBRS) data; develop procedures to simplify and automate the preparation and analysis of DIBRS data; and, develop a library of advanced IBRS analyses syntax. In addition, the SAC will consult with others to enhance the SAC website with a variety of interactive data and analytic tools for creating interactive maps, conducting queries, and generating graphs and tables; to continue to revise and enhance the Crime in Delaware product catalogue to reflect added capacity and skill in DIBRS data work and online publication; and, to develop the SAC staffs ability to produce, post, and maintain analytic and data product files appropriate for online distribution. This is the final year of a 3-Year continuation project after which the first two years the SAC was able to develop Excel macros to expedite the process of preparing DIBRS summary data reports for use in analysis and production, including developing standards, templates, and procedures for creating charts that emphasize good data visualization principles. The SAC expanded the scope of its Crime in Delaware reports, including expanding most charts to visualize more than 10 years of data (up from 5 years); adding chart features to increase their usefulness (e.g., adding a 10 year average reference line); and expanding the amount of narrative included in the Crime in Wilmington supplement to make it more free-standing. (CA/NCF)
Note: This project contains a research and/or development component, as defined in applicable law.