The State Justice Statistics (SJS) Program is designed to maintain and enhance each state's capacity to address criminal justice issues through collection and analysis of data. The SJS Program provides support to each state to coordinate and conduct statistical activities within the state, conduct research to estimate impacts of legislative and policy changes, and serve as a liaison in assisting BJS to gather data from respondent agencies within their states.
The Illinois Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) is housed in the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority. As one of many responsibilities, the SAC serves as the state clearinghouse of information and research on criminal justice and conducts research activities to inform public policy makers, criminal justice professionals and others regarding criminal justice trends and issues. Under this award, the Illinois SAC proposes to continue development and support of a Web infrastructure that would contain an expanded set of uploaded administrative datasets from core data holdings. As a result, users of Illinois criminal justice data will have direct access to the data in one centralized location, updated in a timely fashion, and able to be analyzed graphically with enhanced tools at the same site. In addition, the SAC will use funds to continue to improve compliance with the collection of information on deaths in law enforcement custody and to forward data to BJS pursuant to the Death in Custody Reporting Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-297).