Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2021, $939,792)
Latest status update:
Network Port Security –Additional equipment is in the process of procurement.
The project was on schedule until it was found that additional equipment was needed to ensure all devices met the ISE requirement, at this time it is approximately 90% completion. Our Procurement Office has finalized the contract for the additional equipment. The purchase order number is Q00P5601541.
Funds remaining:
As of June 30, 2024, $109,486.74 in funding remains for the Network Port Security.
Reasons for delay:
Network Port Security – The project was delayed due finding that additional equipment would need to be replaced to meet the requirements for ISE project. We are currently processing the request for procurement of the equipment.
The benefit to the Federal government:
The impact of this project would be to increase the network security thus safeguarding the integrity of Maryland CCH records.
The likelihood for completion if extended:
Network Port Security – Completion of the project is anticipated to be completed by March 3, 2025.
Impact if the grant is not
Network Port Security - The impact of this project not being approved would be to decrease the network security thus risking the integrity of Maryland CCH records.