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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Court system

BJS FY 10 NICS Act Record Improvement Program (NARIP) for States and State Court Systems

Closing Date
This program furthers the Department's mission by improving the records utilized by NICS by providing assistance to states to improve the completeness, automation, and transmittal of records to state and federal systems. Such records include criminal history records, records of felony convictions, warrants, records of protective orders, convictions for misdemeanors involving domestic violence and stalking, records of mental health adjudications, and others, which may disqualify...

Census of State Court Organization

This collection serves as the primary source for detailed information on the structure and framework of state courts. The series collects information on the overall number of courts and judges in the nation's state courts; the selection and service requirements of judges; the governance, funding and administration of the judicial branch; the jurisdiction, staffing, and procedures associated with the nation's appellate courts; the administration, procedures...