Jurisdiction count
Jury trial
Justice employees
Justice expenditure
Justice functions
Juvenile Justice Record
Large law enforcement agencies
Law enforcement
Legal motion
Less-lethal weapons
Livescan and Cardscan
Local law enforcement officer
Mandatory Release Date
The date the offender by law must be conditionally released from prison
Manner of death
Marital status
Every person is assigned to one of the following classifications: (1) married, which includes persons in common-law unions and those who are currently living apart for reasons other than marital discord (e.g., employment or military service); (2) separated or divorced, which includes married persons who are legally separated and those who are not living together because of marital discord; (3) widowed; and (4) never married, which includes persons whose marriages have been annulled and those who are living together and not in a common-law union.
Master Name Index (MNI)
Medical treatment for physical injuries
Victims who were injured during an incident are asked whether they received any medical care for their injuries. Medical care includes treatment rendered by trained professionals, paraprofessionals, and nonprofessionals, and self-treatment.
The data visualization tool uses this coding for medical treatment for physical injuries:
- Not injured
- Not treated
- Treated (at scene, home, medical office, or other location)