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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

FY 2022 Maine NCHIP

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Competitive Discretionary
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2022, $746,737)

The Maine Department of Public Safety (ME DPS) will use FY22 NCHIP funds for three project: Project 1:The Creation and Implementation of a Computerized Criminal History Data Quality Dashboard, the Maine State Bureau of Identification (SBI) will implement a computerized criminal history data quality (CCH DQ) Dashboard, to regularly calculate a variety of measures designed to assess the quality, timeliness, and completeness of arrest and disposition reporting. The foundation of the CCH DQ Dashboard is the creation of uniform measures to assess whether agencies are reporting timely, accurate, and complete arrest and disposition information. Repository personnel can use the Dashboard to monitor reporting trends and assess current and past reporting practices of contributing agencies to detect potential anomalies which may emerge without the direct knowledge of contributing agencies or as a consequence of undetected technical difficulties in repository systems or operations. Project 2: The Continuation of the SBI National Fingerprint File (NFF) Overtime Project, Maine’s goal is to become NFF compliant. The first stage is for the Maine’s SBI to show that it is taking control of records with pseudo pointers at the FBI.  After SBI first obtains a current listing from FBI of all pseudo pointers.  An III report will be run for each record to determine differences with FBI and Maine's fingerprint records. If the FBI has more Maine fingerprint records then SBI, SBI needs to obtain those prints and run them in its database. Maine then can set the “pseudo pointer” so it points to Maine only. SBI staff will be running Federal record checks, updating Maine’s computerized records to make sure they are accurate and up to date, and potentially scanning the files to electronic format. Project 3: Senior Contract Grant Specialist position to oversee and manage the award. The Senior Contract Grant Specialist will oversee the Contract Grant Specialist, assist in the day-to-day management of the award, and perform a level of review and oversight to ensure that the award funding is being spent in accordance with the approved spending plan, required reporting is filed timely, and progress reports provide the necessary information and are filed timely.

Date Created: August 31, 2022