Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2021, $1,353,197)
The Minnesota Department of Public safety (MNDPS) will use FY21 NCHIP funds for two projects: Project 1) Criminal History Enhancement project: MNDPS will conduct the following enhancements to the CCH 1) LEMS to FBI XML Analysis, Services and Hardware to meet the FBI deadline for all agencies to transition to the NIEM XML model. Currently, MN is using the FBI legacy format and the transition will allow BCA to maintain the interface with the FBI, NCIC and III; 2) Authenticated Public Criminal History Records Information Infrastructure Upgrade will implement network and server hardware to create a secure access service to members of the public and private entities for electronic requests. Currently the system is paper-based and outdated; 3) Victim Relationship Analysis will determine where relationship information is captured for criminal charges that may meet NICS requirements for disqualifying an individual for firearm possession on DMVCs; 4) Criminal History Management Analyst will perform analysis to identify and recommend improved business processes for MNJIS, including CHS; and 5) ABIS Work Station Replacement is needed with the current system running on outdated, unsupported, hardware. Project 2) Livescan Replacement: Twenty (20) locations have been identified that need the Livescans replaced due to the current devices at the end of life or no longer supported and are now processing fingerprints by ink and roll. Both projects are continuing to add on similar projects supported by NCHIP funds in previous years.