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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Probation and Parole Populations, 1997


SUNDAY, AUGUST 16, 1998               202/307-0784


     WASHINGTON,  D.C. -- More than 3.9 million
adult men and women--a new record--were
on probation or parole at the end of 1997, the
Justice Department's Bureau of  Justice Statistics
(BJS) announced today.  The 2.9 percent increase
of about 110,000 people almost matched the
average annual increase of 3.0 percent since 1990.

     The total federal, state and local adult
correctional population--incarcerated or in the
community--reached a new high of 5.7 million at
the end of 1997.  About 2.9 percent of the U.S.
adult population, or about one in every 35 adults,
were incarcerated or on probation or parole.

     There were 3,261,888 adults serving a
probation sentence at the end of last year, with
felony convictions accounting for more than half 
(54 percent).  More than one-quarter of adult
probationers (28 percent) had been convicted of a
misdemeanor.  Fourteen percent were on probation
for driving while intoxicated or under the
influence of alcohol, and 4 percent for other

     Also serving time in the community at the end
of 1997 were 685,033 adults on parole, which is
conditional supervised release following a prison
term.  Nearly all parolees had been convicted of a
felony (96 percent).  One-half of the persons
entering parole last year had received a mandatory
release because of a sentencing statute or a
good-time provision that released them from
prison and 45 percent entered parole because of a
parole board decision.

     Almost one-quarter of all persons being
supervised in the community during 1997 were in
Texas or California.  Texas led the nation with
538,500 persons on probation or parole at the end
of 1997, followed by California with 408,900. 

     West Virginia had the nation's lowest rate of
community supervision at the end of last year,
with about one-half of 1 percent of its adults on
probation or parole (502 offenders per 100,000
adults), followed by Kentucky (554) and North
Dakota (584).  Four states had more than 3,000
adult offenders per 100,000 residents on probation
or parole--Texas (3,884), Delaware (3,332),
Washington (3,189) and Georgia (3,098).

     Four states reported an increase of 10
percent or more in their probation population
during 1997--Nevada (up 11.7 percent), Maine
(10.7), New Hampshire (10.5) and Arizona (10.4). 
Nine states reported increases in their parole
populations of at least 10 percent.  Colorado led
the nation with a parole population increase of
25.7 percent, which may have largely resulted from
a state law that mandates a period of parole
supervision for all persons sentenced to prison
for crimes committed on or after July 1, 1993.

     Women represented a larger fraction of both
the probation and parole populations in 1997
than they did in 1990.  Twenty-one percent of all
probationers in 1997 (524,200) were women, up
from 18 percent (408,000) in 1990.  Eleven percent
of all parolees in 1997 (75,300) were women,
up from 8 percent (39,400) in 1990.

     Blacks represented more than a third of
probationers (775,600) at year-end 1997, and 
nearly half of parolees (281,000).  Two-thirds of
probationers (1,413,100) and more than half of
parolees (339,000) were white.  Persons of other
races accounted for about 1 percent of each
population (30,000 probationers and 8,200
parolees).  Hispanics, who may be of any race,
comprised 16 percent of probationers (287,100) and
21 percent of parolees (108,300).

     More than 1.6 million probationers and over
400,000 parolees were discharged from supervision
in 1997.  More than three out of five of those
exiting probation (708,200) and over two out of
five of those exiting parole (179,900) had
successfully met the conditions of their
supervision.  During the same year 18 percent of
probationers (211,800) who were discharged from
supervision in 1997 and 41 percent of parolees
leaving supervision (168,000) were incarcerated
because of a rule violation or new offense.

     The data were collected and analyzed by BJS
statistician Thomas P. Bonczar with assistance
from Lauren E. Glaze.  Copies may be obtained from
the BJS fax-on-demand system (301/519-5550,
document number 123), by calling the BJS
Clearinghouse  at 1-800/732-3277 (order
no. NCJ 172216) or by downloading from the BJS
Internet site at:


     Additional criminal justice information can
be obtained from the Office of Justice Programs
Internet homepage at:


                 # # # 

After hours contact:  Stu Smith at 301/983-9354

Adults on probation, 1997         
                                                                 Percent      Number on
                                                                 change in    probation
                   Probation                         Probation   probation    12/31/97 
Region and         population,       1997            population, population   100,000
jurisdiction       1/1/97      Entries  Exits        12/31/97    during 1997  residents/a

      U.S. total      3161030  1725834  1628403       3261888        3.2 %     1647

   Federal              34202    14756    16331         32627       -4.6 %       16
   State              3126828  1711078  1612072       3229261        3.3       1630

Northeast              551727   249991   229955        572594        3.8 %     1470
   Connecticut          55978    38275    38264         55989          0       2260
   Maine/a               7753        :        :          8584       10.7        909
   Massachusetts        44858    39021    37449         46430        3.5        995
   New Hampshire         4414     3585     3123          4876       10.5        556
   New Jersey          125881    59651    54967        130565        3.7       2153
   New York            174406    47634    36159        185881        6.6       1369
   Pennsylvania        110532    47366    45405        112493        1.8       1229
   Rhode Island         20446     8473     9271         19648       -3.9       2607
   Vermont               7459     5986     5317          8128        9.0       1833

Midwest                704965   491274   465678        730005        3.6 %     1579
   Illinois            115503    63296    59318        119481        3.4       1370
   Indiana              93509    81799    78263         97045        3.8       2222
   Iowa                 15386    15428    13980         16834        9.4        791
   Kansas/b,c           15732    19502    19029         16205        3.0        850
   Michigan/a,d        147598   124731   117525        154236        4.5       2122
   Minnesota/a          90202    55258    55509         90707        0.6       2641
   Missouri/d,e         42368    20718    16785         46301        9.3       1159
   Nebraska             14363    14696    14534         14525        1.1       1198
   North Dakota          2599     1498     1440          2657        2.2        559
   Ohio/a,d            116865    64512    61957        118761        1.6       1423
   South Dakota/a,f      3548     4768     4764          3467       -2.3        641
   Wisconsin/g          47292    25068    22574         49786        5.3       1302

South                 1272488   667472   651235       1292339        1.6 %     1850
   Alabama/a,d          37865     2153     1669         35723       -5.7       1100
   Arkansas             25178     8529     7315         26392        4.8       1419
   Delaware/a,e         16528 :        :                17872        8.1       3225
   District of Col.      9740     9875     8818         10797       10.9       2560
   Florida/a,d         237117   196263   196902        239932        1.2       2146
   Georgia/d           143457    65452    60489        148420        3.5       2699
   Kentucky/h           11689     6087     5683         12093        3.5        410
   Louisiana            35375    11815    11737         35453        0.2       1122
   Maryland             70553    39163    35104         74612        5.8       1950
   Mississippi/a,b,c    10376     3547     3926         10997        6.0        556
   North Carolina      102483    59327    56394        105416        2.9       1899
   Oklahoma/a,d         28090    13812    13131         28733        2.3       1178
   South Carolina       42417    15046    15059         42404          0       1512
   Tennessee/d          37002    20305    19056         38251        3.4        946
   Texas/i             429329   193128   193364        429093       -0.1       3095
   Virginia/e           29620    22970    22588         30002        1.3        589
   West Virginia/a,d,    5669 :        :                 6149        8.5        438

West                   597648   302341   265204        634323        6.1 %     1473
   Alaska                3999     2038     1659          4378        9.5       1040
   Arizona/d,e          40607    29604    25398         44813       10.4       1368
   California          286526   164882   146877        304531        6.3       1306
   Colorado/a,d,e       42688    20153    16051         45447        6.5       1580
   Hawaii               14027     7521     6147         15401        9.8       1742
   Idaho/j               5855     2308     1796          6367        8.7        741
   Montana/h,k           4473     1257     1052          4678        4.6        720
   Nevada/a              9760        :        :         10902       11.7        884
   New Mexico/d          8903     7470     7478          8895       -0.1        723
   Oregon               42292    16210    14522         43980        4.0       1808
   Utah                  9306     4107     3952          9461        1.7        690
   Washington/a,d      125780    44511    38016        132014        5.0       3177
   Wyoming               3432     2280     2256          3456        0.7        993

:Not known
a/Because of nonresponse or incomplete data, the population on December 31, 1997,
did not equal the population on January 1, 1997, plus entries, minus exits. 
b/Data do not include absconders.
c/Data do not include out-of-State cases. 
d/Multiple agencies reporting.  
e/All data are estimated.


Adults on parole, 1997
                                                            Percent       Number
                                                            change        on parole
                Parole                          Parole      in parole     12/31/97 
Region and      population,       1997          population, population    100,000 a
jurisdiction    1/1/97       Entries  Exits     12/31/97    during 1997   residents

      U.S. total    675986   420615   410839       685033        1.3 %       346

   Federal/a         56591    23884    21648        58827        4.0 %        30
   State            619395   396731   389191       626206        1.1         316

Northeast           154959    78667    72493       160737        3.7 %       413
   Connecticut        1083     1058     1145          996       -8.0          40
   Maine                57        4        2           59        3.5           6
   Massachusetts      4836     3809     3653         4596       -5.0          98
   New Hampshire      1066      872      855         1083        1.6         124
   New Jersey        14545    14608    12250        16903       16.2         279
   New York          57137    27096    24563        59670        4.4         439
   Pennsylvania      75013    30211    28992        76232        1.6         833
   Rhode Island        573      587      629          531       -7.3          70
   Vermont             649      422      404          667        2.8         150

Midwest              87987    62604    61922        88683        0.8 %       192
   Illinois          30064    23595    23311        30348        0.9         348
   Indiana/c,d        3580     4549     4085         4044       13.0          93
   Iowa/b             2200     2343     2506         2051       -6.8          96
   Kansas/c           6004     4650     4504         6150        2.4         323
   Michigan          14609     8758     9016        14351       -1.8         197
   Minnesota          2377     2632     2563         2446        2.9          71
   Missouri          13087     4720     5293        12514       -4.4         313
   Nebraska            688      770      770          688          0          57
   North Dakota        100      212      193          119       19.0          25
   Ohio               6331     5258     4786         6803        7.5          81
   South Dakota        725      675      540          860       18.6         159
   Wisconsine         8222     4442     4355         8309        1.1         217

South               241668    98173   104626       234780       -2.9 %       336
   Alabama/b,f,g      4966        0        0         4742       -4.5         146
   Arkansas/f         5459     3225     2817         5867        7.5         315
   Delaware/f          591      196      196          591         --         107
   District of C      7120     2310     2363         7067       -0.7        1676
   Florida            9243     3596     4362         8477       -8.3          76
   Georgia/b         21146    11567    10587        21915        3.6         399
   Kentucky           4621     2853     3241         4233       -8.4         144
   Louisiana         19082    10819     9974        19927        4.4         630
   Maryland          16246     9732    10215        15763       -3.0         412
   Mississipp/c,      1326     1233     1181         1378        3.9          70
   North Carolina    12358     8774    12984         8148      -34.1         147
   Oklahoma           2159      442      673         1928      -10.7          79
   South Carolina     5036     1343     1369         5010       -0.5         179
   Tennessee/d        8934     4294     4535         8693       -2.7         215
   Texas/f          112594    27682    30839       109437       -2.8         789
   Virginia/f         9918     9538     8746        10710        8.0         210
   West Virginia       869      569      544          894        2.9          64

West                134781   157287   150150       142006        5.4 %       330
   Alaska              642      466      356          752       17.1         179
   Arizona            3785     6141     6548         3378      -10.8         103
   California/g      99578   134345   129514       104409        4.9         448
   Colorado           3294     3744     2899         4139       25.7         144
   Hawaii             1733      699      639         1793        3.5         203
   Idaho               692      600      472          820       18.5          95
   Montana/c,h,i       771      444      409          806        4.5         124
   Nevada/b           3216        :        :         3304        2.7         268
   New Mexico         1426     1617     1417         1626       14.0        132
   Oregon            15800     6649     5634        16815        6.4         691
   Utah               2920     2329     1930         3319       13.7         242
   Washington/f        560       32      112          480      -14.3          12
   Wyoming             364      221      220          365        0.3         105

:Not known.
--Not calculated. 
a/Defined as persons received for supervision upon release from prison.  Includes
supervised release, parole, military parole, special parole, and mandatory release.
b/Because of nonresponse or incomplete data, the  population on December 31, 1997
does not equal the population on January 1, 1997, plus entries, minus exits.  
c/Data do not include absconders.
d/Data do not include out-of-State cases. 
e/Data are provisional, pending further review by the State.
f/All data are estimated.
g/Multiple agencies were reporting.
h/Data do not include inactive cases.
i/Total exits are estimated.


Number of adults under community supervision or incarcerated, 1990-97 

                                                                   Adults under  Adults
                                                                   community     under any
                                                                   supervision   correctional
         Total                                                     as a percent  supervision
         estimated     Community supervision  Incarceration        of total      as percent of
         correctional                                              correctional  all U.S. adult
  Year   population/a  Probation  Parole      Jail     Prison      population    residents
1990/b     4348000      2670234   531407      403019   743382           73.6%        2.3%
1991/b     4535600      2728472   590442      424129   792535           73.2         2.4
1992/b     4762600      2811611   658601      441781   850566           72.9         2.5
1993/b     4944000      2903061   676100      455500   909381           72.4         2.6
1994       5141300      2981022   690371      479800   990147           71.4         2.7

1995       5335100      3077861   679421      499300  1078542           70.4%        2.7%
1996       5475000      3161205   676045      510400  1127528           70.1         2.8
1997/c     5694400      3261888   685033      557974  1185800           69.4         2.9

Percent change
1996-97       3.9%          3.2%     1.3%        9.3%     5.2%
1990-97      30.9          22.2     28.9        38.4     59.5

Average annual percent change
1990-97       3.9%          2.9%     3.7%        4.8%     6.9%

Note: Counts are for December 31, except for jail counts, which are for June 30. 
Counts of adults in jail facilities for 1993-96 were estimated and rounded to the nearest 100.
Parole counts for 1996 dropped from the previously reported 704,709 because of reporting changes
in New Jersey and other jurisdictions.  Prisoner counts are for inmates in custody.
a/A small number of individuals have multiple correctional statuses; consequently, the total of
persons under correctional supervision is an overestimate.  The total is rounded to the nearest 100.
b/The estimated jail population for 1990-93 includes an unknown number of persons supervised 
outside jail facilities.
c/The prison population in custody is estimated.


Community corrections among the States, yearend 1997

10 States                                     10 States                  10 States 
with the                 10 States             with the      Persons     with the     Persons
largest 1997             with the              highest       supervised  lowest       supervise
community                largest               rates of      per 100,000 rates of     per 100,0
corrections   Number     percent      Percent  supervision,  adult U.S.  supervision, adult U.S
populations   supervised increase     increase 1997          residents*  1997         residents
Texas            429093  Nevada          11.7%  Delaware          3225   Kentucky        410
California       304531  Maine           10.7   Washington        3177   West Virginia   438
Florida          239932  New Hampshire   10.5   Texas             3095   Mississippi     556
New York         185881  Arizona         10.4   Georgia           2699   New Hampshire   556
Michigan         154236  Hawaii           9.8   Minnesota         2641   North Dakota    559
Georgia          148420  Alaska           9.5   Rhode Island      2607   Virginia        589
Washington       132014  Iowa             9.4   Connecticut       2260   South Dakota    641
New Jersey       130565  Missouri         9.3   Indiana           2222   Utah            690
Illinois         119481  Vermont          9.0   New Jersey        2153   Montana         720
Ohio             118761  Idaho            8.7   Florida           2146   New Mexico      723

Texas            109437  Colorado         25.7% Pennsylvania       833   Maine             6
California       104409  North Dakota     19.0  Texas              789   Washington       12
Pennsylvania      76232  South Dakota     18.6  Oregon             691   North Dakota     25
New York          59670  Idaho            18.5  Louisiana          630   Connecticut      40
Illinois          30348  Alaska           17.1  California         448   Nebraska         57
Georgia           21915  New Jersey       16.2  New York           439   West Virginia    64
Louisiana         19927  New Mexico       14.0  Maryland           412   Mississippi      70
New Jersey        16903  Utah             13.7  Georgia            399   Rhode Island     70
Oregon            16815  Indiana          13.0  Illinois           348   Minnesota        71
Maryland          15763  Virginia          8.0  Kansas             323   Florida          76

Note:  The District of Columbia as a wholly urban jurisdiction is excluded.
*Rates are computed using U.S. adult resident population on July 1, 1997.


Characteristics of adults on probation,  1990 and

Characteristic of adults
on probation                    1990     1997
   Male                          82  %    79  %
   Female                        18       21

   White                         68  %    64 %
   Black                         31       35
   Other races                    1        1

Hispanic origin
   Hispanic                      18  %    16  %
   Non-Hispanic                  82       84

Status of supervision                       
   Active supervision            83  %    79  %
   Inactive supervision           9        8
   Absconded from supervision     6       10
   Supervised out of State        2        2
   Other                         '**       2

   Probation without incarceration  87  %    76  %
   Probation with incarceration   8       17
   Probation of other types       5        6

   Successful completions        69 %     62 % 
   Returned to incarceration     14       18
      With new sentence           3        5
      With the same sentence     11       13
   Other unsuccessful             9       12
   Death                         --        1
   Other                          7        7

Type of offense                          
   Felony                        48 %     54 % 
   Misdemeanor                   31       28
   Driving while intoxicated     21       14
   Other infractions              1        4

Note:  For every characteristic there were person
of unknown status or type.
**Not available. 
--Less than 0.5%.

Characteristics of adults on parole, 
1990 and 1997

Characteristic of adults
on parole                        1990     1997
     Male                         92 %    89 %
     Female                        8      11

     White                        52 %    54 %
     Black                        47      45
     Other races                   1       1

Hispanic origin
     Hispanic                     18 %    21 %
     Non-Hispanic                 82      79

Status of supervision
     Active supervision           82 %    80 %
     Inactive supervision          6       7
     Absconded from supervision    6       7
     Supervised out of State       6       5
     Other                        **       1

     Discretionary parole         59 %    45 %
     Mandatory parole             41      50
     Reinstatement                **       4
     Other                        **       1

     Successful completions       50 %    44 %
     Returned to incarceration    46      41
          With new sentence       17      13
          With revocation pend    11      28
          Other                   18       1
     Transferred to another State  1       2
     Death                         1       1
     Other                         2      11

Length of sentence
     Less than 1 year              5 %     4 %
     One year or more             95      96

Note:  For every characteristic there were persons of
unknown status or type.  Detail may not sum to total 
due to rounding error.
**Not available.

Explanatory notes

The 1997 Probation and Parole Data Surveys provide a 
count of the total of persons supervised in the community
on January 1 and December 31, 1997, and a count of the 
number entering and leaving supervision during the year.  
These surveys cover all 50 States, the District of Columbia, 
and the Federal system. 

Data for the Federal system are from the  Administrative 
Office of the U.S. Courts as provided to the BJS Federal 
Justice Statistics Program.   


The 1997 Probation Data Survey was  sent to 271 
respondents -- 39 central reporters and 232 separate 
State, county or court agencies.  States with reporters 
were Alabama (3), Arizona (2), Colorado (9), Florida (14), 
Georgia (2), Michigan (114), Missouri (2), New Mexico (2), 
Ohio (52), Oklahoma (3), Tennessee (3),  Washington (24), 
and West Virginia (2). 

Two local agencies in Michigan and one local agency in 
Washington did not provide data.  For these cases the 
12/31/96 population count was used as the 1/1/97 count 
and the 12/31/97 count.


The 1997 Parole Data Survey was sent to 54 respondents 
-- 52 central reporters, the California Youth Authority, 
and 1 municipal agency.  States with multiple reporters 
were Alabama (2) and California (2).

Federal parole as defined here includes supervised 
release, parole, military parole, special parole, 
and mandatory release.

August 1998,  NCJ  172216 


Date Published: August 10, 1998