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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

World Factbook of Criminal Justice Systems: Federated States of Micronesia

NCJ Number
Date Published
June 1993
This report provides information and statistics on the Federated States of Micronesia's criminal justice system, including its police, courts, and corrections.

The Constitution of the Federal States of Micronesia provides for a separation of National Government powers and the establishment of a Federal Nation. The President is the highest law enforcement official of the land, and the Attorney General is the President's chief law enforcement officer. Both the National and State legal systems are based on common law, having been largely designed by attorneys from the United States; however, the Constitution and its State counterparts require the recognition of customs and traditions as law in some circumstances. Through these provisions, customary and traditional law have been made part of the common law system. Additionally, traditional leaders continue to conduct dispute resolution on many of the islands. The judiciary uses an adversarial process, although this has been criticized by many as being inconsistent with the Micronesian non-confrontational way of life. This report's section on crime considers the classification of crime and crime statistics on murder, rape, serious property crime, and serious drug offenses. A section on crime victims addresses groups most victimized by crime, victims' assistance agencies, the role of victims in prosecution and sentencing, and victims' rights legislation. A section on the police describes its administration, resources, technology, training and qualifications, discretion, and accountability. Other sections focus on the prosecutorial and judicial process, the judicial system, penalties and sentencing, prisons, and extradition and treaties.

Date Published: June 1, 1993