Statistical data on felony sentences are provided.
This document discusses sentencing statistics pertaining to offenses defined under State and Federal law as felonies. State sentencing data are from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) National Judicial Reporting Program, a biennial sample survey that collects detailed information on the sentences adult felons receive in State courts nationwide. Federal sentencing data are from the BJS Federal Justice Statistics Program. This program collects annual comprehensive information about the processing of individuals and corporations by the Federal criminal justice system. Sentencing data obtained by the program cover all Federal district courts. Highlights of the statistics include a 42-percent increase in State courts and a 16-percent increase in Federal courts in the number of felony convictions between 1986 and 1990, and a 120-percent increase in the State courts and a 41-percent increase in the Federal courts in the number of convictions for drug trafficking between 1986 and 1990. Data are provided in tabular and narrative form. A listing of other BJS reports is included.