In 2015, the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) sought applications for funding to support the National Crime Statistics Exchange (NCS-X) Implementation Assistance Program Phase I – Support for State Programs. The purpose of the Phase I Implementation Assistance Program was to provide funding to states that would support (1) the implementation of a new state-level incident-based crime reporting program certified as capable of reporting data to the FBI’s NIBRS, or (2) the expansion of an existing state-level crime reporting program currently certified to report data to the FBI’s NIBRS so that the program may receive and process more incident-based crime data, or (3) state programs that are in the process of transitioning from a Summary Reporting System (SRS) to a system capable to receive state-specific incident-based crime data and report it in the NIBRS format to the FBI.
With this supplemental award, the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA), with assistance from BJS and the NCS-X implementation team, will conduct readiness assessments for the remaining 10 NCS-X sample agencies located in Alabama. In addition, ALEA will assist the Birmingham PD in transitioning to incident-based reporting by providing pass-through funding to the agency. ALEA will also make enhancements to the data infrastructure to meet the needs of the new system environment. These enhancements include making system improvements with respect to security, interoperability, additional storage capacity, and processing power. In addition, supplemental funding will be utilized to improve the data structure infrastructure to increase security and capacity of the system. CA/NCF