The Regional Justice Information Service (REJIS), an officially recognized criminal justice agency, has served as the data collection agent for the Bureau of Justice Statistics' (BJS) Firearm Inquiry Statistics (FIST) program since the program's inception in 1994. Through FIST, BJS collects data on firearm background checks conducted by state and local agencies and combines this information with the FBI's NICS transaction data to produce a national estimate of the number of applications received and denied annually. The FIST collection also obtains information from state and local agencies on reasons for denial of firearm applications, and from ATF on the number of FBI denials referred to ATF field divisions for investigation. REJIS is being awarded FY 2015 FIST funds to continue its efforts to manage the FIST program, including administering the FIST survey to state and local checking agencies, implementing the data collection schedule and employing a rigorous follow up schedule with nonrespondents to maximize the response rates, compiling data and conducting data analysis to create statistical tables for publication, and refining the FIST methodology, in particular the collection and reporting of data on reasons for denial, to enhance the completeness and reliability of the data. During the award period, REJIS will be responsible for collaborating with BJS, the FBI, and ATF to obtain data to produce statistical tables, appendix tables, and accompanying descriptive narrative to publish in the 2015 Background Checks for Firearm Transfers work product.
Note: This project contains a research and/or development component, as defined in applicable law.