The State Justice Statistics (SJS) Program is designed to maintain and enhance each state's capacity to address criminal justice issues through collection and analysis of data. The SJS Program provides support to each state to coordinate and conduct statistical activities within the state, conduct research to estimate impacts of legislative and policy changes, and serve as a liaison in assisting BJS to gather data from respondent agencies within their states.
The South Dakota Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) is a component of an operational unit of the South Dakota Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI). Under this award, the SAC will continue to accomplish the following SJS activities: 1) obtain statewide data on deaths occurring in the process of arrest or in pursuit of arrest; 2) analyze data from criminal history records on issue-specific reports on an ad hoc basis; 3) conduct research using incident-based crime data and produce the report, 'Crime in South Dakota,' and continue to evaluate the feasibility for South Dakota to implement NDEx (Law Enforcement National Data Exchange). The SAC will continue to function as the state clearinghouse for Uniform Crime Reporting/National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) data, market the software, and work to switch agencies from UCR to NIBRS.