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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

FY 2022 New York NCHIP

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Competitive Discretionary
Awardee County
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2022, $1,500,000)

The New York Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) will use FY22 NCHIP funds to replace Livescan devices and equipment throughout out the state. The current process for transmitting arrest fingerprints by local law enforcement agencies (LEAs) to DCJS is through vendor-based Livescan equipment. There are over 500 LEAs across the state with approximately 50% of these locations supporting the activity of more than 20 sworn officers. Many of these LEA locations have aging Livescan equipment that is in need of replacement due to the constant wear-and-tear of fingerprint submission required by statute for arrest processing. The software that runs on this equipment needs to be upgraded due to antiquated transmission protocols, old operating system software limited by hardware constraints, and vendor software that is nearing end-of-life for support. Public safety is impacted when criminal history records are not updated in a timely fashion when the transfer of prints is delayed to DCJS due to antiquated equipment. Delayed or inaccurate arrest fingerprints may result in inaccurate information provided to federal repositories. The project will support the purchase of Livescan equipment for local law enforcement agencies that require new equipment, or upgrades to existing equipment.

Date Created: August 31, 2022