State Statistical Analysis Centers (SACs) use data and statistics to analyze justice issues and policies, evaluate criminal justice programs, and conduct applied research that informs policy making, practice, and the public. In recognition of the critical role SACs play, the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) provides funding to state and territorial governments through the State Justice Statistics (SJS) program, which supports the establishment and operation of state SACs and enables the states to collect, analyze, and report statistics on crime and justice. JRSA proposes to continue to support activities under the FY 2022 State Justice Statistics Program for Statistical Analysis Centers Technical Assistance Program, leveraging its longstanding relationship with the SACs. As part of this effort, JRSA will continue to provide training and technical assistance to SACs to enhance their statistical, research, and organizational capabilities; convene in-person networking opportunities; and help SACs write proposals and reports.
In furtherance of these goals, JRSA will pursue 10 objectives: enhance the capacity of SACs, provide TTA to SACs, provide editorial review and assistance, provide a mutual assistance program (MAP), assist with IRBs and human subjects protection, publish materials and disseminate information, convene skill-building seminars, redesign the JRSA website, increase SAC exposure, and plan a SAC director orientation. These objectives will produce numerous deliverables, including the conduct of virtual site visits, technical assistance through telephone and web-based services, webinars and other online training, data collection and publication, and other activities outlined below. JRSA will continue to harness new technologies to further these objectives – including an improved database of SAC materials and JRSA resources, new discussion boards, and an online learning system. Throughout this project, JRSA will regularly engage SACs in peer-to-peer learning and collaboration so that SACs can build upon the work of one another to accomplish their missions effectively and efficiently.
By continuing to provide training and technical assistance through the State Justice Statistics Program, JRSA will strengthen and enhance SAC capacity to produce rigorous analyses, publish and present useful reports, share relevant materials among SACs and with BJS, engage with research entities in their state and elsewhere, and collaborate with other SACs for the purpose of sharing craft knowledge and peer-to-peer learning.