U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Statistics Statistical Tables Capital Punishment, 2008 December 2009 NCJ 228662 ------------------------------------------------------------- This file is text only without graphics and tables. A Zip archive of the tables in this report in spreadsheet format (.csv) and the full report including tables and graphics in .pdf format are available from: http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/index.cfm?ty=pbdetail&iid=1757 These statistical tables are in a series. More recent editions may be available. To view a list of all in the series go to http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/index.cfm?ty=pbse&sid=1 ------------------------------------------------------------- Presents characteristics of persons under sentence of death on December 31, 2008, and persons executed in 2008. Preliminary data on executions by states during 2009 are included. Tables present state-by-state information on the movement of prisoners into and out of death sentence status during 2008, status of capital statutes, and methods of execution. Numerical tables also summarize data on offenders characteristics such as gender, race, Hispanic origin, age at time of arrest for capital offense, legal status at time of capital offense, and time between imposition of death sentence and execution. Data are from the National Prisoner Statistics (NPS-8) series. Highlights I*n 2008, 37 inmates were executed: 18 in Texas; 4 in Virginia; 3 each in Georgia and South Carolina; 2 each in Florida, Mississippi, Ohio, and Oklahoma; and 1 in Kentucky. *36 executions were by lethal injection; 1 by electrocution. *Of persons executed in 2008, 20 were white and 17 were black. All 37 inmates executed were men. *Thirty-seven states and the federal government had capital statutes at yearend 2008. *As of November 30, 2009, 48 executions had been carried out, 12 more than the number executed as of the same date in 2008. *Between 1977 and 2008, 7,658 people have been under sentence of death. Of these, 15% were executed, 5% died from causes other than execution, and 38% received other dispositions. *A total of 111 inmates were received under sentence of death during 2008, representing the smallest number of admissions since 1973. *A total of 119 inmates were removed from under sentence of death-37 were executed and 82 were removed by other methods, including sentences or convictions overturned, commutations of sentence, and deaths by means other than execution. 2008 statistical tables Table 1. Capital offenses, by state, 2008 Table 2. Method of execution, by state, 2008 Table 3. Federal capital offenses, 2008 Table 4. Prisoners under sentence of death, by region, jurisdiction, and race, 2007 and 2008 Table 5. Demographic characteristics of prisoners under sentence of death, 2008 Table 6. Hispanics and women under sentence of death, by jurisdiction, 2007 and 2008 Table 7. Age at time of arrest for capital offense and age of prisoners under sentence of death at yearend 2008 Table 8. Criminal history profile of prisoners under sentence of death, by race and Hispanic origin, 2008 Table 9. Number of persons executed, by jurisdiction, 1930-2008 Table 10. Executions and other dispositions of inmates sentenced to death, by race and Hispanic origin, 1977-2008 Table 11. Time under sentence of death and execution, by race, 1977-2008 Table 12. Women under sentence of death, by race and jurisdiction, 12/31/08 Table 13. Persons under sentence of death, by gender, race, and Hispanic origin, 12/31/08 Table 14. Number of inmates received under sentence of death, 1993-2008 Table 15. Number of persons executed, by year, 1977-2008 Table 16. Number of persons executed, by race, Hispanic origin, and method, 1977-2008 Table 17. Elapsed time since sentencing for inmates under sentence of death on 12/31/08, by gender, race, and Hispanic origin 12/5/2009 JER 1:45